Meles appointed Abay Tsehaye as Director of Sugar Corporation Prime Minister Meles Zenawi appointed Abay Tsehaye as Director General of Sugar Corporation with the rank of minister. The appointment was given to Abay based on his education and

Ethiopia: Power sector faces uncertainty

Meles appoints new ambassadors Government gave appointments to special envoys, ambassadors and plenipotentiaries and ambassadors of Ethiopia, the Office of the Prime Minister announced here on Wednesday.Accordingly.1. Seyoum Mesfin2. Girma Birru3. Dr. Kassu Illala4. Ambassador Teshome Toga5. Degife Bula.6. Mulugeta Alemseged7. Hilawe Yosef8. Ambassador Mohammed Dirir9. Hassan Abdella10. Dr. Tekeda Alemu11. Gifti Abasiya12. Dr. Mohammed […]

Ethiopia aims to become leading power exporter in East Africa

Looking East- Meles Zenawi’s new best pal How Europe contributes to Ethiopia’s repressionNile River Dispute Heats Up

Today’s Headline

African Farmers Must Be Tied to Markets, Ethiopia Commodities Chief Says

Today’s Headline

Adoptions from Ethiopia rise, bucking global trend

የብርቱካን ተረት!

“ደሀ ተበድሎ ማሩኝ ይላል ቶሎ” ዝምቧ አንድ በሬ ግንባር ላይ አርፋ ቀኑን ሙሉ እዚያው ትውላለች። አመሻሹ ላይ መሄድ ፈለገችና በል አንግዲህ አያ በሬ መሄዴ ነው ደህና እደር ትለዋለች። አያ በሬም ግርም ብሎት ለመሆኑ መቸ መጥተሽ ነው ከምኔው የምትሄጂው አላት። እሷ እንደዚህ አብረን ውለናል ብላ ስትዘባነን ትልቁ በሬ ግን ላዩ ላይ አርፋ የዋለችውን ዝምብ አላስተዋላትም! እንዴት […]

Meles  frees Birtukan (Reuters) – Ethiopia released the country’s most prominent opposition leader from jail on Wednesday, four months after the government’s landslide win in elections criticised by Western powers. Birtukan Mideksa, a former judge, is the leader of Ethiopia’s biggest opposition party, the Unity for Democracy and Justice. She left a prison in the […]

Ethiopian PM names new cabinet ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር አቶ መለስ ዜናዊና አዲሱ ካቢኔያቸውእነ ስዩም መስፍን፣ አርከበ እቁባይ፣ አባይ ፀሐዬና ግርማ ብሩ የሉበትም 1.    አቶ ሃይለ ማሪያም ደሳለኝ ምክትል ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትርና የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትር፣2.    አቶ ሲራጅ ፈርጌሳ የአገር መከላከያ ሚኒስትር፣ 3.    ዶክተር ሽፈራው ተክለማሪያም የፌዴራል ጉዳዮች ሚኒስትር፣ 4.    አቶ ብርሃን ሃይሉ የፍትህ ሚኒስትር፣ 5.    አቶ ጁነዲን ሳዶ […]

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