ETHIOPIAN FESTIVAL IN SILVER SPRING JULY 22 TO FOCUS ON BUILDING BRIDGES BETWEEN CULTURES SILVER SPRING, MD. – More than 15,000 people are anticipated to gather for a vibrant celebration of Ethiopian culture and to strengthen the bridge between the United States and Ethiopia at the 2nd Annual Ethiopian Festival in Silver Spring on July […]

 5.3 Earthquake strikes Hossana town December 19, 2010 (Addis Ababa) – A magnitude 5.3 earthquake stricken Hossana town on Sunday afternoon, the Addis Ababa University said. Earthquake Expert with Institute of Geophysics, Space Science, and Astronomy of Addis Ababa University, Dr. Atalay Ayele told ENA that the temblor struck at 3:15 PM local time. He said […]

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50 ጥያቄዎች ለዶ/ር ብርሃኑ ነጋ ለሰው ሲያሳይ አየሁትና “እስኪ እሱን ፎቶግራፍ ወዲህ አምጣው?” አልኩት። ከላይ የምታዩትን ሰጠኝ። ግፋ ቢል የአስር ወይ አስራ አንድ ዓመት ልጅ ቢሆን ነው። 6ኛ ክፍል ግድም እያለ ተማሪ ቤት የተነሳው ፎቶ መሆኑ ነው። ደብረዘይት ነው የተወለደው። በአዲስ አባባው ዩኒቨርስቲ የተማሪዎች ንቃንቄ ተሳታፊ የሆነው ገና የመጀመሪያ ዓመት ተማሪ እንደሆነ ነው። የመንግሥት ለውጥ […]

 “SEEDS OF HOPE Hugh Jackman” SEEDS OF HOPE from Krosh on Vimeo.

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