ESAT Radio reported the passing of PM Meles Zenawi ICG: we have no direct knowledge of Meles’ health ኢሳት ሬዲዮና ቴሌቬዥን በአቶ መለስ ሞት ባሰራጨው ዜና ምክንያት ቁጥሩ እጅግ በበዛ የአንድ ጊዜ ተመልካችና አድማጭ  በመጨናነቁ ምክንያት ለስርጭት መቋረጥ መዳረጉ ተገልጿል። ሁኔታውን ለማስተካከል ባለሙያዎች እየሰሩ ሲሆን በ 48 ሰዓታት ጊዜ ውስጥም  ተመለሶ ለስርጭት እንደሚበቃ ተነግሯል። 

Ethiopian soccer tournament promoting unity leads to divisionA black pickup truck slowly circled RFK Stadium. Its sole cargo was a billboard bearing the images of a starving child, a man with a swastika on his forehead, piles of money and a soccer ball.Just inside the stadium, the All Ethiopian Sports Association’s first annual soccer tournament, […]

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