British investigators say Ethiopian Airlines plane crash ‘similar’ to earlier disaster

Ethiopian Airlines Jet Makes Emergency Landing in Chad737 makes emergency landingEthiopian, Lebanese community relations sour after crash 

737 makes emergency landing

Ethiopian, Lebanese community relations sour after crash

China invests in Ethiopia but at what cost?

Meles addresses Ethiopians on the tragic crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight  More bodies found, Ethiopian plane black box located (2nd Roundup) Storms or sabotage? The mystery of Flight 409 Passengers on board Flight 409 The National News Agency (NNA) released on Monday the names of Lebanese passengers aboard Ethiopian Airlines Flight 409, which was headed to […]

Today’s Headline – የእለቱ ፍሬ ነገር

White House saddened by deaths in Lebanon crashSurvivors found in Lebanon plane crash“France 24 TV news  (Click for Video news  vidio1  Ethiopian Airliner Crashes Near Beirut 85 people were on board The official said the Ethiopian Airlines plane was struck by lightening before into fell into the sea. An Ethiopian Airlines plane crashed into the […]

Today’s Headline

የሕዝብ አስተያየት ማሰባሰቢያ ጥሪየዋሽንግተን ዲሲ ትራንዚት ባለሥልጣን (Metro)፣ ባቡሮችን (ሜትሮዎችን) ፣ የሜትሮ አውቶብሶችን፣ የአገልግሎት ሰዓትና የመስመሮችን አጠቃቀምና ክፍያን፣ እንዲሁም ስለካፒታል ፈንድ በታሰቡ ለውጦች ላይ የህዝብ አስተያየት መስማት ይፈልጋል! Public Hearing No. 547/Docket B10-1 ቀን – ጃንዋሪ 27/2010 ቦታ -ዋሽግንተን ዲሲ በሚገኘው የሜትሮ ዋናው መ/ቤትአድራሻ – 600 Fifth Street, NW         Washington, DC 20001ከሰዓት በኋላ በ5:00 pm በሩ […]

Jangling nerves Meles Zenawi will probably win the election. But that may not bring calm- The Economist WORRIES about Ethiopia’s election, due in May, are growing. Aid-giving Western governments hope it will pass off without the strife that followed the last one, in 2005, when 200 people were killed, thousands were imprisoned, and the democratic credentials […]

A world away and branching out- Ethiopian roots nourish DeboAt the Western Front in Cambridge, Debo Band comprises (front, left to right) Stacey Cordeiro, accordion; group leader Danny Mekonnen, saxophones; Kaethe Hostetter, 5-string violin; Arik Grier, sousaphone; (rear, left to right) P.J. Goodwin, electric bass; Keith Waters, drums; Dave Harris, trombone; Bruck Tesfaye, vocals; Jonah […]

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