Wegene Ethiopian Foundation (WEF) 10th year Anniversary  2000-2010

The Wegene Ethiopian Foundation (WEF) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit and non-governmental organization that was founded in 2000. The foundation’s tax exempt ID is 35-2165352. WEF is not affiliated with any political, religious or secular organizations and relies solely on member donations and charitable contributions to fund its mission.

In marking WEF’s 10th year anniversary, we have organized an exciting celebration event on November 13, 2010, and we have sponsored an amateur team to run the 2010 Marine Corps Marathon on October 31, 2010.

In the last decade, WEF has not only grown as an organization, but it has also changed the lives of numerous families, children, and young adults in significant ways. WEF’s 10th year anniversary is a celebration of all the lives we’ve touched, all the successes we’ve achieved, and all the dedicated members who have made our work possible.

WEF’s 10th year anniversary also serves to fulfill our pledge to complete our school building project in Abelti, Jimma by the end of the year 2010. The project was started in 2007 with funds obtained from our members’ participation in the 2007 Marine Corps Marathon but had to be stalled due to lack of funds. Therefore, all proceeds generated from the celebration event and the marathon will be contributed towards completing the school.

Anniversary Celebration Event

Date: November 13, 2010
Time: 7 PM
Place: Beth El Hebrew Congregation,
3830 Seminary Rd
Alexandria, VA 22304-1799
Cover charge: $50.00 includes dinner buffet, soft drinks, music, and comedy by Meskerem Bekele.
2010 Marine Corps Marathon

Date: October 31, 2010
Start Time: 7:50AM
Place: Spectators can take metro to Arlington Cemetery Station to view start
The Rosslyn Metro Station to view the finish

Girma Birru: Ethiopia’s ambassador to the United States (US)
He will be dispatched to a city 11,537.5km away from Addis Abeba. Girma will be Ethiopia’s ambassador to the United States (US), following in the footsteps of his predecessor at MoTI a decade ago.Kassahun Ayele, now serving as Ethiopia’s ambassador to Germany, was a trade minister before he moved to Washington DC, replacing Brehane G. Kiristos, the all too influential diplomat who is now state minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).The US is in the know about Girma’s appointment, gossip disclosed. To his luck, though, politicians on Capitol Hill like him, for they believe he is a little more liberal than many of his comrades, and, most importantly, he is perceived by Washington as the most private sector friendly Ethiopian senior minister during his years at Marshal Tito Street, gossip claimed.
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